Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure, Si King & Dave Myers
This TV tie-in cookbook to THE HAIRY BIKERS' ASIAN ADVENTURE BBC series, airing in 2014, follows the boys' dream trip - a journey through Asia to discover the secrets of some of the world's most inspiring cuisines.
The boys travelled to Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Korea, sampling and preparing every kind of food they could lay their hands on - from great home cooking to sensational street snacks. Along the way they've learned loads about their favourite food, as well as honing their Asian cooking skills, and now they've brought home the very best recipes for us all to try.
Si and Dave are truly passionate about these amazing recipes. These dishes are their favourites; they are speedy, easy to make and packed with flavour. What's more, many are nice and healthy too, so won't bust the diet!
So, it's time to rock your wok and join the boys on their culinary Asian adventure...
ISBN-10: 0297867350 ISBN-13: 978-0297867357
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