Flavoured Tea Egg Spice Mix (真好家 茶葉蛋滷包)


  • 商品規格: 30g
  • £0.53 per 10g
  • 貨運重量: 0.077 kg
  • 國家別: Chinese, Taiwanese
  • 產地: Taiwan
最大: 12

Description:Zhenhaojia Chinese Tea Egg Simmering Spice Mix

Ready to cook, consume soon after opening.
Storage Condition: Keep away from direct sunlight and store in a cool dry place.

Flavoured Tea Egg Spices

How to serve:
1. Put twenty eggs into a cooking pot and put water, in the amount sufficient to cover all eggs, into the pot.
2. Add flavouring bag and tea bag (keep the two bags as a whole) and a teaspoon of salt into the pot.
3. Cook in mild oven for 20 minutes. Take out the eggs and break the egg shells gently to enable the flavouring to penetrate into the eggs. Keep cooking the eggs for one more hour. Turn off the oven. Keep soaking the eggs in the flavouring fluid for another hour, then, you get the wonderful flavoured tea eggs.

Enjoy flavoured tea eggs accompanied by Jen Hao Jia peppered salt for added delight to your palate.
Ingredients:Black Tea (25%), Barley (Gluten) Tea (25%), Anise (20%), Fennel (15%), Cinnamon (15%).



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