On Kee Agrocybe Aegerila & Cordycep Mushroom Soup (安記海味 祛濕強身湯)


  • 品牌: On Kee
  • 商品规格: 126g
  • £3.77 per 100g
  • 重量: 0.286 kg
  • 国家别: Chinese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Thai, Vietnamese
  • 产地: China
最多: 12

Description:On Kee Agrocybe Aegerila & Cordycep Mushroom Soup For Eliminating Dampness

Agrocybe Aegerila can clear heat, eliminate dampness and promote urination. Cordycep mushroom can invigorate kidney and throat as well as boost the energy level. Dried tangerine can activate qi, eliminate dampness and promote urination and improve the function of kidney and spleen. This soup is made with two kinds of fungi, and this full of fungus fragrance and sweetness. It is suitable for consuming in spring and summer.

Suggested Ingredients: Ginger, Pork Shin.
Cooking Method:
1) Soak the dried tangerine until soft and scrape off any pith. Rinse the pork meat and then blanch in boiling water. Wash to other ingredients thoroughly.
2) Soak all ingredients into hot water for a few minutes, then put them into a pot of water and boil for 2 hours.
3) Add in a pinch of salt to taste, and then serve.

Storage: Store in cool and dry place or keep refrigerated to maintain the best quality.

Servings for 3-4 people.

This product consist if tree nuts and nut products.
Ingredients:Candied Jujube (Sugar, Jujube) (28%), Jujube (20%), Chinese Yam (15%), Agrocybe Aegerila (12%), Cordyceps (12%), Sweet Apricot Kernel (6%), Bitter Apricot Kernel (6%), Dried Tangerine (1%).



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