Sneak Preview – Final Preparations Underway

We are less than one week away from our big move to our new home at the Eastgate Oriental City complex in Eastville and all hands are on-deck to ensure that our shelves are fully stocked. As you can see from the pictures, we are getting very close to finishing!
Our new premises have allowed us to add over one thousand products across our fresh, frozen, ambient and non-food ranges. It is taking us a lot of time to make sure that they are in our new computer system but we’re sure that when you see what we have in stock, you will agree it was worth it!

Please remember that our move will be occurring on the 7th July 2007. On this day, our Station Road premises will no longer be open, and we shall begin trading from our Eastgate Oriental City Store. Our grand opening will occur on Sunday 8th July 2007, festivities starting from 11:30 when the traditional firecracker is lit. We hope you will join us in the fun! Click here for more details about our grand opening.